Transportation Services Launched

Five brand new transit buses all bearing the Employment Solutions logo, traverse the streets of Lexington throughout the work week. These vehicles bring people with disabilities to and from Medicaid health care services. Many of our riders are people who participate in Employment Solutions’ adult day, residential and therapeutic services.

Designed to enhance the transit experience, each vehicle is equipped with video screens allowing riders to enjoy movies while in transit. Since the audio uses wireless headphones, riders have the option of watching the video, conversing with their friends or simply enjoying the ride in a clean, well maintained and comfortable vehicle.

By January 2019 it is anticipated that Employment Solutions will operate seven vehicles and carry approximately 100 passengers per day. We also hope to add the necessary technology to provide our riders with the precise time of their pickups.

For additional information contact Lee Atkins at 859-303-4646.

Number of people with disabilities served tops 600 in FY 17-18

With the recent additions of residential, therapeutic and other supportive services, as well as strong referrals from the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, the number of people with disabilities served by Employment Solutions topped 500 in FY 17-18, an all time high for the organization. A remarkable achievement since only a few years ago that number was less than 100.

Our former paper based record keeping system would have been more than overwhelmed by the numbers served today. Fortunately, in 2015, Employment Solutions went paperless. Among the many advantages of this system, most importantly is that it allows case managers from outside organizations to remotely and securely access the records of our mutually shared clients anytime, relieving everyone from tedious and time consuming record requests.

Life Works Therapies Launched

Located out of its newly remodeled clinic offices at 90 Southport Drive in Lexington, Life Works Therapies provides a wide variety of new therapeutic services including behavioral health counseling, occupational therapy and behavioral supports therapies and psychiatric services.

Life Works Therapies is a licensed Multispecialties Group through the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services.

Medicaid Programs Attain Highest Rating

Within recent months the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services instituted a two-year certification period for organizations that provide community programs for people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Previously the top certification level was 1-year. This year Employment Solutions attained the two year distinction, having delivered tens of thousands of services, spanning eight distinct services; in a manner of strict compliance with regulatory and best practice requirements enforced. The state review team consisting of four reviewers, examined all aspects of our various programs over a three-day period.

Congratulations to all the dedicated staff that made this tremendous achievement possible.

Organization Service Award

The Arc of Kentucky holds a vision of a positive future for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Arc provides a future of communities with services and supports that will promote lives of value for Kentuckians with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Arc of Kentucky believes that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are contributing members of schools, work places, churches, synagogues, neighborhoods, and their communities.

In 2018 Employment Solutions was proud to receive the Organization Service Award by the Arc of Kentucky.

College for Technical Education Receives Six-Year Accreditation

The Council of Occupational Education is a national accreditation body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as an organization whose standards of quality are provided for administration, instruction and vocational outcomes for over 600 schools of post secondary education throughout the United States.

Periodically COE sends review teams to accredited schools, which thoroughly examine its administrative policies, safety procedures, financial stability, curriculum design and outcome measurements for student graduation and job placement.

Schools that meet or exceed the many hundreds of written standards that guide these reviews may receive accreditation approvals for up to six years.

In 2017, by virtue of having not a single finding from its most recent exhaustive review, CTE was awarded with the maximum accreditation of six years.

CTE Reduces Tuition

College for Technical Education implemented a 25%-30% decrease in tuition across all programs as of November 1, 2018. All new students entering into the college and beginning their program after November 1, 2018 are eligible. Students who are already enrolled at the college may be eligible for reduced tuition, depending on their status.

The College for Technical Education is a nationally accredited, non-profit college offering education in high demand fields such as Building Trades, Early Childhood, Cosmetology, Medical and Business.

For more information contact Brenda Evans at 859-272-5225.

Winchester Students Help Pass State Legislation

In March 2017, a group of seven students from the Winchester Cosmetology program attended a hearing of the Senate Committee on Licensing and Occupations in Frankfort.

Wearing bright red badges emblazoned with “Support HB 271” the students helped convince the members of the Committee to vote for its approval and refer the bill on to the full Senate.

The purpose of HB 271 is to reduce the required hours of training needed to qualify to take the cosmetology examination to become a licensed cosmetologist from 1,800 hours to 1,500 hours. By doing so, student debt will be reduced and the likelihood of students graduation will be increased.

The group was thrilled when the Committee approved HB 271 by a unanimous vote, rightly noting that they had made history.

Following their victory in the halls of the General Assembly the group visited the Kentucky State Capitol building, where they, for the first time, were able to gaze up into the Capitol dome, visit the chambers of the House of Representative, Senate and Supreme Court. Governor Bevin signed HB271 into law on March 21, 2017.

FHP Students Demonstrate Food Preparation Techniques

Every other Tuesday Food and Hospitality students engage with Kroger customers at various locations throughout Lexington, doing cooking demonstrations.

This partnership has been a wonderful addition to the hands-on curriculum and allows the “real time” experience with customers that is so necessary.

The students are rotated in different capacities, as to allow everyone the opportunity to prep, cook and engage with the public professionally.

Self-Advocates for Freedom

Adults with intellectual and other developmental disabilities too frequently must contend with societal attitudes that do not regard them as adults or persons capable of making decisions that directly impact their quality of life.  Self-Advocates for Freedom is run for and by people with disabilities, committed to working in partnership to promote equal rights, inclusion, self-advocacy, support and education in all realms of life.

The Bluegrass Chapter of Self-Advocates for Freedom now meets monthly at 1084 Whipple Court. For additional information, contact Anna Kolokotsas 859-253-2658 ext. 225.